Top Disney College Program Questions Answered Podcast


Instead of a text post, I’ve decided to experiment with a podcast this week!

In this podcast, I answer the top questions I receive about my Walt Disney World internship. Here are the questions and time marks:

  1. Application Process – 0:25 – 5:45
  2. Role and Work Location – 5:50 – 8:50
  3. What it’s like working in Magic Kingdom for the holidays- 8:50 – 11:35
  4. Merchentaining on the job – 11:35 – 12:00
  5. Best Guest Stories/Magical Moments – 12:00 – 16:50
  6. Getting paid – 16:50 – 17:45
  7. DCP During the Holidays – 17:45 – 19:50
  8. What is it like to live in Disney World for five months – 19:50 – End

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please post them below! I would love to hear from you! 

If you’re new to the blog, here is some background info on my program:

IMG_5897For the fall 2015 semester, Frontierland merchandise in Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom became my home on the fall 2015 Disney College Program. On top of having front row seats to the magic, Rachel had hundreds of opportunities to make magic every day.

For five months I had perfect views of every Magic Kingdom parade, Wishes and front row seats to Mickey’s Not So Scary and Very Merry Christmas parties. Everyday I got to say “Howdy” and “Have a zip-a-dee-doo-dah day to Magic Kingdom’s guests.

Time Flies In The Most Magical Place On Earth

I cannot believe it is September 22nd. Whenever someone mentions the date, CPs heads turn, mouths agape, eyes bulging. “Where has the time gone and how is it already the end of September,” we exclaim.

Time has been flying in Disney where every day is a new adventure. This past week I’ve been playing in the parks nearly every morning before work. I usually go with Emily, who works in Tomorrowland/Fantasyland custodial. Every night we clock out around the same time as well. We really look forward to the drive home and call it “our nighttime chat.” If you’ve ever wondered if cast members talk about guests, let our nighttime chats be a testament to that. Yes, of course we do. Each drive back to Vista Way is filled with hilarious and charming stories of our workday in the Magic Kingdom.

The Halloween parties are in full swing. Halloween parties in September? You bet. Every few nights Mickey throws his Not So Scary Halloween Party. These are an absolute blast! At 7:00 pm, cast members point guests without party wrist bands to the exit and the fun begins. Mosts guests dress in fun costumes and I’ve seen some cute and creative outfits. Many of them really get into their characters! I have fun by referring to guests as if they were the character and bantering back and forth with them. I met a lady dressed as a modern Queen Of Hearts. I told her I loved her costume. “Good or else off with your head,” she responded in a perfect deadpan.

I haven’t even got to the best part. Twice a night, a parade unique to Mickey’s Not So Scary parties stalks its way down Frontierland to Main Street. The Headless Horseman, grave diggers, villains, (oh my!) fill the streets in their nighttime vigil to bopping music that is stuck in your head for the rest of the evening. It’s my favorite parade. Dancers from the Haunted Mansion’s ballroom come out to socialize and whirl their way through the streets. Grave diggers clang and drag their shovels sending sparks flying. A skeleton band plays “It’s Good To Be Bad” heralding the Disney villains on their spooktacular night. Candy trails dot around the Magic Kingdom so guests can pretend it’s Halloween and get their treats, and maybe a few tricks from our cast.

Before my arrival I wanted to work at the Emporium more than anything. I even mentioned it in my phone interview twice! Last Sunday I picked up an Emporium register shift on a party night. I was very excited and nervous as I walked on stage into the mayhem that is the Emporium, AKA the entire west side of Main Street. The store is so expansive, they gave me a map labeling the different zones and registers. I found my register and helped hundreds of guests purchase plush, wrap and box mugs and direct them to the nearest restroom.

The evening went by fairly quickly thanks to the number of guests and the Halloween party outside the store. I enjoyed my evening at the Emporium but it made me incredibly thankful for my placement in Frontierland. Though I enjoyed staying busy, the guests were in a hurry so I was lucky if I got in a good exchange, let alone a conversation. I missed having meaningful interactions with guests I have every day in Frontierland. Parades pass through Main Street and I was lucky to glimpse parts of the Boo To You Parade. The majority of parades step off Frontierland so I have Festival of Fantasy memorized and am close to knowing Boo To You by heart as well. Over there I can watch at least most of the parade, if not all of it. We are plenty busy during Boo To You but most guests step out to watch the show.

It was funny to reflect at the end of the night on how much I missed Frontierland and how thankful I am to be in such a happy and magical location. Now I will no longer feel a pang of jealousy whenever I see Main Street cast members in their long (and slimming) skirts and ties.

Since I never posted my costume, here is a photo of me pre-work in my apartment:


Time is flying too fast down here. However I know that’s a wonderful sign that I’m having the time of my life and am so grateful for this incredible experience. Keep checking Facebook for updates and photos!

What I Didn’t Expect

I expected to have an amazing time on this program making friends and falling in love with Orlando and its people. I have already made lifelong friends and adore my job. However, this week two things I never would have expected hit me pretty hard.

  1. My heart misses Nashville. I miss the coffee shops chock-a-block with hipsters and indie music. I miss the music scene and speaking to passionate musicians. I miss the unique sweet edginess Nashville holds. Orlando is wonderful but I feel like I’ve plunged back into the suburbs. Olive Gardens and Golden Corals decorate the streets as opposed to anti-chain restaurants. As I expected, the Orlandians are just as syrupy-sweet as Nashvillians. I am still in the south, the very deep south in fact, where bless your hearts are handed out on the daily.
  2. I have become more open to different career paths. Before my DCP arrival, I thought a spot in Walt Disney World’s communications team was the only path for me. That is still an ultimate goal for me but I’ve seen the vast amount of choices I have with a major in PR and minor in communications. I’m not turning away from my previous dream, I’ve become more open to the idea of pursuing other avenues.

Disney continues to provide constant magic and inspiration. I’ve decided to share my magical moments at least once a week on here to demonstrate Disney’s inspirational force. Yesterday gave me not just one, but TWO magical moments to share with you.

  • Posted in Splash Mountain’s photo area, I met a Make A Wish child and her mother, hardly wet from their 50-foot plunge into The Laughing Place. “This is my FAVORITE ride,” the girl exclaimed. She wanted to get AWAP, As Wet As Possible, on Splash but her and her mother had hardly been sprinkled. After printing their photo free of charge, I decided to push the magical moment further. “You’re sure you want to get really wet,” I asked. She nodded. “OK, let’s try this ride again.” So I walked them back to the exit area and asked the standby Splash cast member if they could get right back on the ride, no line, and sit in the front row. Thankfully, he said yes. Unfortunately when the girl and her mother passed through the gift shop the second time, she told me she didn’t get very wet but was very thankful for the opportunity of a second plunge in the front row.
  • While greeting at Briar Patch yesterday I caught the eye of an adorable Brazilian five-year-old girl. We kept up a waving game as I continued to greet guests with Frontierland’s traditional, “Howdy folks!” After about five minutes, she shuffled towards me holding something in her hand. As I kneeled to her level, she gave me a yellow flower, freshly picked from the pine straw next to the shop. Just that little flower blew me away. It was my first gift from a guest, and one I could actually accept as a cast member. I told her father to wait one minute before I dashed into the shop. I grabbed enough Mickey stickers for her whole family and presented the first to her, as a gift back to the girl for such a kind offering. She and her father were so happy and thanked me profusely as I passed out stickers to each family member. I know this is one of the many memories I’ll cherish from this program. A child who didn’t speak English but was kind enough to come over and hand me a little flower, a weed really, made my day.

T-Minus Two Days Till Disney

Toes are Mickey-fied and long-term packing is done!

This morning my mom and I went to get our nails done before our journey. Unfortunately Disney Look guidelines do not permit unnatural colors (such as red, my favorite) on fingernails so it was just a pedicure for me today. I got an adorable Mickey design on my toes. Look for yourself: Mickey-fied toes
After our nails had been beautified, we met with my grandma for lunch at a local bakery. It was nice to catch up and have some laughs before parting until January. After a nice rest, my mom and I headed back to the house for some packing on my part.

I was over the moon to start loading my suitcase. Disney music blasted through my room while I divided and conquered my closet. Two and a half hours later, my suitcase was full. I didn’t think it would take nearly that long but I started with way too many clothes. Almost every CP on his or her blog has said he or she brought too much…which is what I did the first time I tried packing my massive suitcase. So I had to unpack three times, setting aside more and more items each time. Eventually I narrowed it down to the right amount of items.

However, my Disney-fied packing stupor was interrupted halfway through when my dad called up to me. My car was leaking oil in the garage. A day and a half before our seven-hour trip to Walt Disney World. My mind raced even after we left my car at the dealership this evening. What if my engine needs to be replaced and the only Tiguan engine is in New York, I asked my mom.

As soon as we returned home I looked up all possible reasons for an oil leak. Thank goodness mine seems to be only a small issue. When a car leaks when the engine is off, it’s usually a very minor issue that’ll be easily fixed. My car is first in the check-up line  tomorrow morning so I’ll get a call from the dealership tomorrow. I hope it really is a minor fix since I need it back tomorrow afternoon before setting off at 4:00 a.m. Saturday “morning.”